Seven steps to clear skin:

Implementing detoxification advice from 25th onwards. Can you talk about daily, weekly or seasonal detoxification: Everything is moving less, eat junk food and are under stress? No wonder that the metabolism in the body is not at the level where it should be. Since he had just finished the winter period when we are slower, now is the time to detoxify.

Tips for successful and effective detoxification: see the pros here http://www.reviewlity.com/category/weight-loss/

*The treatment is performed with special products containing malice acid, purisoft and sulforphane and an antioxidant effect. These products are rich in enzymes that stimulate metabolism in cells.

*Back massage performed exfoliation that removes dead skin cells and prepares the skin to absorb nutrients and enzymes from other products.

*After exfoliation, moisturizing oil used lotus which massaged the whole area back. Ana after this massage relaxed, which is important for treatment, because then the process of detoxification and better. shocking solution unmasked

*I cleaned Ana's face, neck and cleavage of impurities and makeup, Detox gel and caused a tonic that has been returned to its natural pH of the skin.

*After tonic put enzymatic ampoule, followed by an ampoule which stimulates metabolism in the body. Having to face Ana umasirala another vial on the face, neck and chest I put a damp paper towel and let stand.

*Thalasso intensive gel is then massaged his face, scalp, around the ears, neck, shoulders, arms and chest. Eye envisions Detox eye mask with cooling effect, which works against the dark circles, smoothes fine lines and wrinkles and gives the skin around the eyes a softer look.

*After removing the mask, the face cream is applied to the skin type, usually for sensitive skin or hyaluronic soft cream.

Satisfied with treatment:

The treatment is good to introduce a lighter diet, and the treatment ends sipping green tea which is full of antioxidants. With this treatment can be combined and other treatments such as crystal therapy, massage, lymphatic drainage and detoxification of the whole body with a blanket aroma. She stressed that there are daily detoxification in the form of regular exercise and a light diet, and those on a weekly or annual basis. Diets loaded with papaya, pineapple, plums, whole wheat and white meat and fish is just one of the things that can help you feel and look better.

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