Hydrogenated fats have been prepared artificially increase the risk cardiovascular diseases, inflammations and tumors. We should also remember that Tran’s fats are a normal part of biscuits, sweets and all snack foods. Click The Following Page: Muscle Building

Which fats have preferred? Our body naturally needs a good fat as an energy source for the construction of cellular membranes and transport of fat-soluble vitamins. Priority should give the fat of plant origin from animal. We can choose a wide range of cold-pressed oils (flax, hemp, almond, etc.). Once a week you can easily enjoy a fat fish such as mackerel, salmon, tuna. Let everyone do on that issue their opinion, but the consequences can be paid for us not the manufacturer or marketing company.

Overweight in children - Children tend to be very critical about their appearance and the appearance of their peers. Children who are overweight suffer unnecessary kilograms especially mentally. Many of their children are ashamed to go out, closed in on itself and tend to be solitary. The child's self-image disturbance is, the more then the child suffers. Children with low self-esteem are uncertain and still doubting himself. Excessive consumption of sweets can be caused by deficiency of love and affection in the family.

Physical problems - Excess pounds also cause many problems at the physical level. Under the weight kilograms suffer primarily musculature system (bones, tendons and spine).

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