Among the celebrities who have renounced cigarettes by this method - actor Anthony Hopkins and British tycoon Richard Brandon.

Salt - It is known that salt contributes to "delay" in the body fluid and edema. 30 minutes after eating salty foods reduced elasticity of blood vessels. All this together several times increases the load on the heart, about the same acts on vessels and caffeine. See More here: http://www.reviewlity.com/category/women-health/pregnancy-care/

How useful salt - Sweet things starts to hurt us even before enters the stomach. Once the sugar is in the oral cavity, it is disturbed acid-base balance and starts reproduction of harmful bacteria recovery of acid-alkaline balance now occur only in the oral cavity results after 1 hr - caries. Caries - the most common disease in the world. When sugar is eaten, it gives a quick jump in blood glucose levels. As a result, we have approximately 1 hour after new attack of hunger, fatigue, and bad mood. Sugar also reduces the ability of white blood cells to fight bacteria. In numbers, it looks according to British scientists as follows: 20 spoons of sugar reduce the ability of the above-mentioned 40%. This effect occurs immediately and lasts for at least 5 hours

Alcohol - Harm is obvious. After 6 minutes after drinking drink begins negative impact of alcohol on the brain. The higher the level of alcohol in the blood - the more the brain suffers. These findings were Germans, studying the impact of alcohol on men and women.

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