Eat before bedtime solution cabbage with honey. A quarter cup of cabbage juice dissolve one teaspoon of honey. If you snore came after smoking or drinking, you need both to quit, or the maximum limit used. Visit Home Page

Even in the midst of a flu epidemic, many people remain healthy. Disease is not always chooses us, we often do it unconsciously choose. Negative thoughts attract all sorts of ailments. A positive thinking, on the contrary, is to prevent them.

Health can strengthen positive thoughts or destroy negative - Some time ago I had painful lumpy breasts, and I went to the doctor. The doctor found cystic formation and suggested surgery. I thought, "How is it, right under the knife?" She went to another doctor who recommended the same. But the operation, it seems to me, is required for a tumor to an advanced stage, which I was not. I'm particular about my health. For surgery, I did not agree and took a special kind of meditation.

You concentrate attention on his body, "internal hands" Get out of it that's bothering you, and output through the feet or through the perineum. At the same time I used one ancient recipe that helped cure cancer a couple of my friends. Three weeks I insisted propolis and vodka in a dark bottle in a proportion of 70 g per 1 liter. Infusion must be taken three times a day on a tablespoon, spreading it in a small amount of water.

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